27 November 19 - Getting closer!!

Well I only have 5 days until I leave for Singapore! I almost made a horrible boo-boo, I kept thinking that I was leaving on Tuesday and was setting up my schedule as such, lo and behold I noticed on the calendar that 02 December was actually Monday!!!  Thank goodness I saw this in time because I had planned to spend Monday relaxing before my trip!  OMG I would have missed a non-refundable flight and my plans would have been totally turned upside down!!!!

Whew, only shows that even experienced travel professionals can make mistakes...lol Now that I have rearranged my work load to leave Monday I have a lot to do......off to sort clothes!


  1. That would have been disastrous!!!!!

  2. LOL I know right! They say the mind is the first to go...hahahaha
